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Hotel Reading List: F. Scott Fitzgerald


Hotel Reading List: F. Scott Fitzgerald

Herewith the first of several recommendations for your summer reading: books featuring hotels, in all their glamorous, complicated, and luxurious (or down-and-out) glory.

First up is a classic you may already have on your bookshelf, but that is well worth a re-read for its silent backdrop of imposing facades, marble staircases, and brass bars, never mind the war and wasted youth: Fitzgerald's The Beautiful and the Damned


Reviving Ourselves: Hotel Lobbies


Reviving Ourselves: Hotel Lobbies

As I write this, the temperature in Berlin is speeding along towards 100 degrees and the sky is hazy and unpleasant with the type of scorching heat I normally associate with, say, Texas parking lots, or maybe the sixth circle of Hell. While I'm being sure to stay hydrated and immobile, I'm also cooling my mind by visualizing myself in various beautifully climatized situations: darkened movie theaters, a quiet porch on the edge of some breezy body of water, and - in particular-  luxury hotel lobbies. 


Get a Room


Get a Room

It feels like we barely dipped our toes in the water at the beach for our June, THE SEA, but July's HOTELS are already upon us. (Oh, and sharks). So on we march, into my favorite month.
